Perhaps you are dairy intolerant or you already drink milk from oats, soy or almonds, today we bring you a recipe on how to make yourself a glass of nutty peanut milk!
You may wonder why peanuts? Well, raw peanuts are a great source of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc and even calcium. Compared with milk, 100 g of milk (3,2% fat) contains 113 mg calcium while 100 g of raw peanut has 92 mg. Not so big a difference, don’t you think! (Data Source)
Preparing milk from nuts is very simple. The process is similar to any other nuts. Yes, you can always buy this kind of milk, but why not prepare your own knowing what it really contains. Make sure you buy unsalted peanuts so you can get a neutral taste that you can later use for coffee, cereals, smoothies or similar.
Ingredients for making peanut milk
- 150 g peeled, unsalted peanuts
- 950 ml water + 500 ml
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

How to make peanut milk?
Place the peanuts in a large glass bowl or bottle and pour over 950 ml of water. Cover it and let it stand overnight. The next day drain it and rinse with cold water. Put it into a blender, pour over 500 ml of water and add the vanilla extract. Blend for about a minute.
Put gauze over a clean glass bottle and strain the milk carefully. Press gauze gently to squeeze the rest of the milk. Don’t throw the dry leftovers. Use it to make a cake, for smoothies or similar.
And that’s it!
If you want to be fit, taking care of your nutrition is not just important. It is necessary to stay healthy and avoid injuries.